I'm Vinit Shedekar
I’m a

About Me

I am a Full-stack developer skilled in JavaScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, and database technologies (MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL) for optimized data access. Additionally, I specialize in blockchain development with proficiency in Solidity, Hardhat, and Ethereum. I have a proven track record of delivering user-focused web applications that prioritize user experiences and seamless user interactions.Seeking for Web Development opportunities where I can leverage my skills to create meaningful connections between products and users.

So if you are interested,Contact me!

My Experience & Education


My skills

  • JavaScriptJavaScript
  • TypeScriptTypeScript
  • ReactReact
  • Next.jsNext.js
  • Node.jsNode.js
  • ExpressExpress
  • TailwindTailwind
  • FramerFramer
  • SoliditySolidity
  • C++C++
  • JavaJava
  • MongoDBMongoDB
  • PostgreSQLPostgreSQL
  • CloudinaryCloudinary
  • GitGit
  • GitHubGitHub
  • AzureAzure

Contact Me

Please contact me directly at vinit.shedekar453@gmail.com
or through this form.